Online marketing agencies invest a lot of time in strategies and planning but most business owners are fooled by common myths and measures. Read this blog till the end to know all about the same.
Read this blog till the end to know about some of the PPC myths and realities that may help you grow in this industry.
Here are some of the most common myths about online marketing agencies that everyone should know about.
Common marketing myths
Always being #!1 doesn’t make you the most profitable
This claim is dumb and is one of the most common PPC myths by all means. This may be true for some cases, but keep in mind that for most of it, you will be spending more than the actual amount of money that you will be generating. Even though the numero uno position gives you great visibility and is good for branding purposes, it also draws tons of researchers that are not yet ready to buy and are still exploring. It is better to experiment with the position since this allows you to achieve the perfect position where the balance of cost vs value is the perfect social media marketing agency.
You can turn your account off at night since no one is buying or searching at that time
Certain reports are publicly available that show how much traffic comes your way during all hours of day and night along with the click-through rates. With the use of analytics, you will also be able to determine hourly conversion rates. This is why you should always consider different time zones that you are targeting, and also make sure to do proper research before you think of turning your account off at night as making the wrong decision can mean that you are missing out on qualified traffic.
You can add as many keywords to your PPC account to get the best traffic
This may be true to some extent as in theory, you may get a lot of traffic your way. But keep in mind that it won’t be all qualified traffic. This is why you need to make sure that you only target relevant keywords for the PPC account. It is quite possible that you may not generate as much as you want to if you go on and dump keywords while blowing your budget in the process.
Turn on only the ads that perform the best for you
Your PPC account’s growth may be on the decline if you think only the ad that performs best is worth running. It is a pretty great technique that further helps in click-through rates and conversion rates. Your account won’t grow as much as it can if you just run a single ad.
Set PPC and forget about it
It is often said that most business owners think that all they need is to dig up some keywords, add them, run ads, come up with a budget, and they are done. This is not how things should be done if you are looking to make the most out of your money. You will need to constantly monitor, test, lower and increase the bid, turn off and turn on so to make sure that you grab the biggest bag possible. This is also one of the main reasons why tons of business owners outsource their accounts to a PPC services agency so to make sure that the required time and expertise are there.
Never run on the content network
Even though the content network is deemed as a great source of traffic and extra leads. You can always try the content network, can tweak the settings as per your need, and try to give it a try before you write it off.
These are some of the common google ads myths that one should always neglect to make sure that there is enough room for improvement at all times.
Also Read: Earn Money with Digital Marketing