German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

German Shepherd Dog

It’s the German Shepherd Dog is among the most sought-after dog breeds in America and for good reason. They’re smart and skilled working dogs. Their dedication and bravery is unmatched. They’re also extremely versatile.

The breed is also known by its name Alsatian. Although they are purebred, you can find German Shepherds in shelters or breed-specific rescues. Remember to adopt! Do not shop if this is the right breed you want to adopt. you.GSDs excel in all the things they’re taught to do guides and assist for handicapped people as well as military and police including herding, search and rescue and drug detection, competition obedience and last but not leastloyal

More About This Breed

It is the German Shepherd Dog, also called Alsatian, also known as Alsatian within Great Britain and parts of Europe is one of the top 10 most loved breeds of dogs in the U.S., and probably one of the world’s most well-known breeds.

They owe a portion of their fame to a tiny puppy that was rescued from an explosion-splashed and bullet-infested breeder kennel located within France in World War I by Corporal Lee Duncan. After the conflict, Duncan brought the puppy back to his home town in Los Angeles, trained him to become one of the world’s most well-known dogs in show business–Rin Tin Tin. Rin Tin Tin was able to appear in numerous films and, at the peak of his fame, received 10,000 fan mails a week.

It is believed that the German Shepherd has held many roles other than that of a movie star — being a blind guide in pursuit of criminals and sniffing out illicit substances and serving as a military dog, visiting the sick, and the herding of livestock are only a few of the tasks performed by this breed of dog.

The dog even took the position of national hero. German shepherds served as the dogs who searched and rescued people in the rubble of the World Trade Center after the 9/11 terrorist attacks, searching for victims and comforting rescue family members and workers.

A German Shepherd may embody some characteristics that make them desirable dogs however they’re not the best choice for all. Breeded originally to form herds of large flocks throughout the day, this is a dog with a lot of energy that requires lots of activity and exercise. If they don’t, they’re more likely to show their boredom and anger in ways that you don’t like including barking and eating.

The breed is also known for its unassuming and sometimes suspicious temperament. It’s great as a watchdog, but not the kind of pet that makes guests feel at home. If you expose the German Shepherd to a variety of circumstances and individuals beginning at the age of puppyhood, they will be taught to accept any new situation and people with a smile.

When you adopt a pup and you’re adopting a different type of German Shepherd by the breed of dogs from American breeders or German breeders. The general rule is that American breeders usually aim to produce dog show champions and breed more to create that distinct German Shepherd look than for distinct German Shepherd talents.

Many people believe they believe that the American-bred German Shepherds are more calm in comparison to their German counterparts, however some critics claim that they have lost some of their abilities for performing traditionally German Shepherd jobs, and are more susceptible to behavioral issues like the fear of separation.

German breeders however breed to improve their working capabilities and also for the traditional appearance. Before the German Shepherd is bred in Germany it is necessary to undergo a series of tests to show they meet the mental and physical standards the breed is renowned for. German Shepherd Dogs from Germany are more active and driven personalities.

The only way to know the type of pet you’re likely to receive is to get to know them. Therefore, go to the shelter to meet your new most beloved pet before you go to your home!


  • The German Shepherd is a relatively new breedthat dates back to 1899. they are the result of one person named Captain Max von Stephanitz, a professional captain in the German cavalry, with the goal of creating the German breed that was unbeatable as a Herding Dog.

    For centuries before von Stephanitz came along, farmers in Germany like in the other parts of Europe depended on dogs to help drive and guard their flocks. Certain breeds were famous for their ability and the sheepherders would travel for long distances to breed female dogs with an eminent sire. But as von Stephanitz noted, no one had created the sheepherders from the region into distinct breeds.

    In the year 1898, von Stephanitz retired from military service and started his second profession, and what would turn out to be his passionwas experimenting with breeding dogs to produce an outstanding German Herding Dog. Stephanitz was interested in the breeding methods of the British who were renowned for their outstanding herding dogs and traveled all over Germany and attended dog shows and watching herding dogs of the German breed.

    Von Stephanitz was able to see many beautiful herding dogs, dogs that were intelligent, athletic or able. He didn’t notice one dog that embodied all of those characteristics.

    In 1899, one day, von Stephanitz was visiting an exhibition for dogs when a dog that looked wolfish attracted his attention. He immediately purchased the dog, which was named Hektor Linksrhein. The dog was later renamed Horand v Grafeth The dog’s strong body and intelligence amazed von Stephanitz that he formed an organization–the Verein for German Schaferhunde to find an animal breed derived from Horand’s descendants.

    While he was planning that his breed would be used in herding, as Germany was becoming more industrialized, von Stephanitz saw the necessity for these dogs diminishing. He determined to keep his breed in the field as an active dog, and he decided that his dog’s future would be in military and police work.

    Utilizing his connections to the military, von Stephanitz convinced the German government to adopt the breed. In World War I the German Shepherd was used as an Red Cross dog, messenger and rescuer, guard, sender, and supply carrier.

    While German Shepherds did make their way into in the United States before the war but it wasn’t until after the war that they became well-known within the U.S. Allied servicemen noted the dog’s intelligence and bravery and many dogs were adopted by these soldiers.

    One of them was a puppy of five days old who was taken from a kennel that was bomb-strewn France through an American soldier who was from Los Angeles. The corporal brought the dog home, taught him and made him one of the most famous Hollywood dogs: Rin Tin Tin, who was featured in 26 films and helped to popularize the breed in America.

    While they Allies were impressed with the German dogs however, they weren’t thrilled about the dogs’ German origins. In the war, everything German were viewed as a threat, and in 1917 it was the year that American Kennel Club (AKC) changed the name of the breed to the Shepherd Dog.

    In England the dog was changed to the Alsatian Wolf Dog in honor of the border region between France and Germany that is Alsace-Lorraine. The AKC returned to the original name of German Shepherd Dog in 1931 It took until 1977 to get to get the British Kennel Club to do the similar thing.

    Von Stephanitz stayed closely involved in the evolution of the breed. As in 1922 he was concerned by certain traits which were surfacing in the dogs, including poor temperament and a tendency towards tooth decay. He devised a system for strict quality control: Prior to any particular German Shepherd was bred, they had to pass a variety of tests to determine their intelligence and temperament, as well as athleticism and overall health.

    American German Shepherd breeding On the other hand was not as tightly controlled. The United States, the dogs were bred for winning show dogs, while breeders placed more emphasis on appearances and their gait, or manner of walking.

    Following World War II, AmericanGerman-bred and American-bred German Shepherds started to diverge drastically. At some point, U.S. police departments and military began to import German Shepherd working dogs, since German Shepherds that were bred in Germany failed performance tests and were suffering from genetic health issues.

    In the last few years, a few American breeders have started to place more emphasis on the dog’s capabilities instead of just its appearance. importation of work dogs from Germany to supplement their breeding programs.

  • Size

    Males are between 24 and 26 inches, females are 22 to 24 inches. The weight ranges from 75 to 95 pounds.

  • Health

    The German Shepherd is generally healthy however, like any breed, they are susceptible to certain health issues. There aren’t any guarantees that German Shepherds won’t be affected by any of these ailments, but it’s crucial to be aware of them when you’re thinking about this breed.

    • Hip Dysplasia: Hip dysplasia is an hereditary condition that occurs when the femur isn’t able to fit in the socket for the pelvic joint of the hip. Hip dysplasia may be present without or with clinical signs. Certain dogs experience lameness and pain on either or both of their rear legs. As dogs age arthritis may develop. The X-ray screening test for hip dysplasia is performed through the Orthopedic Foundation for Animals or the University of Pennsylvania Hip Improvement Program. Hip dysplasia-afflicted dogs shouldn’t be bred.
    • Elbow Dysplasia: It is a hereditary condition that is common among large breed canines. It is thought to be caused by the different rate of growth in the 3 bones that comprise the dog’s elbow. This causes joint stiffness. This could cause painful lameness. Your doctor may suggest surgery to fix the issue or medication to manage the discomfort.
    • Gastric Dilatation-Volvulus Often referred to as Bloat it is a serious condition that can be fatal to large, deep-chested dogs such as Golden Retrievers particularly when they are fed a single big meal per day and eat quickly, drink huge amounts of water after eating, and are active after eating. Bloat is a condition that occurs when the stomach becomes bloated by air or gas and then it twists. The dog is not able to go through a vomiting or belch to get rid of the air trapped in their stomachs, and the normal flow in blood flow to the heart hindered. The blood pressure decreases and the dog is in shock. If medical treatment is not given immediately the dog could be dead. Consider bloating if your dog is suffering from a bloated abdomen, is squeezing excessively and is retching but not vomiting. They may also be anxious, depressed, irritable and weak, with a high heart rate. It is crucial to take your dog to the veterinarian whenever you can.
    • Degenerative Myelopathy: Degenerative myelopathy is a chronic disease that affects the spine, and specifically the portion of it that transmits information to the brain about the hind legs. Dogs suffering from DM appear to do not know where their back legs are and can’t move them in a proper manner. The condition gets worse to the point that the dog is unable to walk. The majority of the time, there is no treatment , and the dog is placed to rest. In a few instances, the problem may be due to a deficiency of vitamin 12 (or vitamin E). In this case, supplements to vitamin E could help stabilize the condition.
    • Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency: The EPI gene is responsible for causing a disorder of the pancreas where the cells that make digestion enzymes get destroyed. In the end, the dog is unable to digest food and absorb it. The first symptoms of the illness include gas, decreased appetite and weight, and a change in stool. The dog is thin and hungry. EPI is detected with an easy blood test and treatment is easy, as pancreatic enzymes are included in the pet’s diet. If the medication is administered properly the majority of dogs will recover.
    • Allergic reactions: Certain German shepherds have a range of allergies that range from food allergies to contact allergies. The symptoms of allergies in dogs are the same as those experienced by humans. When you notice that your German Shephard is scratching, licking their paws, or rubs their face frequently it is possible that they are suffering from an allergy. Have the allergy checked by your vet.
    • Feeding

      The German Shepherd Dog diet should be designed for a large breed that has a lot of energy and demands for exercise. Consult your vet or a professional nutritionist on the best food to give to your German Shepherd Dog and the proper portion sizes. The food requirements of German Shepherd dogs will change as they progress from the age of puppy to adulthood and then into senior get older. Keep track of their nutritional needs.

      You’ll require special care when feeding and exercising when you have a German Shepherd puppy, however. German Shepherds develop rapidly between the ages between four and seven months and are therefore susceptible to bone problems. They are well-off with a healthy, low-calorie diet that stops their growth from becoming too rapid.

      Don’t allow you German puppy run or jump on any hard surface like pavement until they’re at least 2 years of age and have their joints fully developed. It’s okay that puppies play in grass, but puppy agility, which includes inches-high jumps is fine.

      Doing too much food to the German Shepherd and letting them gain weight can result in joint pain, and other health issues. Reduce the amount of treats they eat, keep active, and feed regular meals instead of having food on hand throughout the day.

    • Children And Other Pets

      If they’re well-trained and been given plenty of time with children particularly when they were puppies and a puppy, a German Shepherd is a great child’s companion. Some even say they’re a mix of a babysitter and a police officer, being gentle with, and protective of, the children of their families.

      This is a large dog, but it’s also susceptible to accidentally bumping the toddler or small child. In keeping with their reserved nature, they’re not and friendly with children they don’t know, however they’re generally reliable.

      It is important to note that the German Shepherd can also live happily with other dogs and pets, provided that they are taught as puppies. The process of introducing the adult German Shepherd to a household with pets may be more challenging if the dog isn’t familiar with being a good companion to other pets and cats. It may be necessary to employ an expert trainer to assist or seek advice from the rescue group if that’s where you got your adult German Shepherd.


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