Insurance Company and Insurance Policy

Insurance Company and Insurance Policy

Insurance Company and Insurance Policy

Insurance Company and Insurance Policy

Insurance Policy, The insurance company is in a mutually beneficial relationship with the insurance company and policyholders, and the insurance contract is prepared.

The insurance contract shows that the insurance company accepts the risk premium, will receive a payment from the insured and receives insurance as a defined amount of the risk.

The Turkish Commercial Code is a free contract that develops a document that

the insurance company undertakes to compensate for the risk of an insured event in the event of an imminent

threat to the insured’s property and to the payments that are in place in the life of the insured.

Insurance Policy

insurance policy To be a document that shows what has happened to your insurance contract.

When a contract arises out of free insurance business, the insurance company usually delivers the insured’s insurance policy.

What information is necessary to have an insurance policy

  • The name and last name, or the parts name, which is the insurance company and the insured
  • URL to the parcel address
  • The subject of insurance
  • The insurer determines the risk description (which is precisely the nature of the risk that the insurer assumes itself)
  • Duration of insurance
  • insurance price
  • A great deal and a premium price
  • Policy issuance date

Common risk Conditions

In addition, common risk conditions and insurance rates must be included in the policy and made, according to the type of risk appropriate to the insured and along with the policy.

According to the Turkish Commercial Code, the insurance company, whether directly or through an agent, is required to issue an insurance contract within 24 hours a day.

Otherwise, you will suffer damages from your late issuance policy.

Now let’s come to the site. The word Zeyl is from Arabic. Adding something to the meaning. it can also be added to additional documents.

An addendum is an expression that is usually used in relation to policies or is written in an additional policy.

In case of a change in conditions, it is in general policy that changes made to the site are displayed on it.

Changes can be made and planned for two reasons.

If, however, there are faults in issuing the decision,

the decision of the design or incomplete information is to be added to the order of deficiencies and errors.

For example, a site can change the amount issued to the insurance premiums account.

Addendums only cover the number of changes made to the policy. When they are originals and policies.

However, insurance policies must be considered as addendums. Addendums are only valid together with your policy.

This should not be overlooked: insurance contracts, which consist of insurance policies, and bilateral contracts.

Even so, the insurance company may not change the terms of the policy without knowledge of the site and issuing the insured’s consent.

For example, if the number of insurance premiums can be changed and you have agreed to be insured with the insurance company before issuing this change, it should be added.

This site may be required for a number of reasons other than premium information.

For example

For example, a site can be issued for a modified license plate when motor vehicle insurance is sold and a new vehicle is required.

If you change an address or a TCIP policy whose policy is to be submitted, an address can be added to the data in part to make changes to the law.

Again, in the TCIP policies, if the beneficiary has changed the account as a home insurance contract during the period of a sale,

it will also be added to the account issued in this case.

Another example is motor insurance with inflation protection,

if the inflation rate does not meet the current value of vehicle insurance within a period of time,

then the amount of insurance can be increased when it needs to be done.

In some cases, Addendums will not be required for premiums issued.

However, in some cases premiums can also be paid, and in some cases premiums can be refunded.

If you need more information about Addendums, you can apply to the experienced staff of the website.



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