If you are in the buy-and-sell business you would probably look for suppliers which offers a cheaper bulk price for the commodities that you will be selling, it goes without saying that it will assure you of the profit at the end of selling all those items.
One of the ways to buy cheaper items is through purchasing it online, now there might be some pros and cons with such methods but there are items that are really cheaper when you purchase it online rather than buy it from local stores and suppliers. Here are some of those items which can be bought at a lower price through online shopping platforms.
Books are much cheaper to buy online than in bookstores. One for the reasons for such is that when one is buying from an online store, one is not obliged to carry the cost of the logistics of a bulk of books but rather one has to pay only for the shipping of a single book. In many cases the books that are sold in conventional bookstores are ordered by bulk thus an additional fee has to be added on the price for the logistics and shipping of the whole batch of orders.

Whether you go to a large online shop or a small-scale online store one thing that you can find is that their tech stuff costs lesser than those in computer and tech shops at the mall. Whether you need an extra pair of headsets or that you need to buy a new charger for your phone their products are cheaper whether you buy them by bulk or at single piece. If you are planning to buy anything tech related go first a credible online shopping store because chances, are they have what you need and at a lower price.
If you are into shopping for clothes then you should also buy from online stores. Whether that store is for bulk or small orders, their prices are considerably lower than those that are in the department stores. There are also online shops which offers layaway deal for the clothes that they are selling, so that you can have the item that you want reserved for you while you slowly pay for it. These among many other deals are offered daily by online shops to draw in the buyers.
If you are planning on selling diapers that do not buy from grocery stores and conventional stores because you might be adding more cost to the price of the product that you are selling. The secret to really get a well-deserved profit from selling diapers without overpricing the whole product is to buy bulk from credible online suppliers because by then even if you sell it a piece the price of the items would still be considerably lower than those sold in malls.
If you are planning on buying bulk orders on these items make sure that you purchase from credible online sellers so that you will not be scammed, though you are looking for cheaper prices but be wary of those shops which offers a too-good-to-be-true deals as they might be a scam.