In this article, you will learn, among other things, why it is important to create a logo, how to successfully design your logo and what mistakes to avoid.
Your logo embodies your company’s brand image: it represents the basis of its visual identity and expresses its values. It allows your customers to identify your company’s industry, services, and products briefly. You can hire a company to get a logo created for you company but remember that they should offer affordable logo design packages within your budget range.
When you create your own brand, your goal is to build a customer base and retain them. It is in this process that your logo demonstrates its importance by exerting a significant influence on your future customers. Indeed, a logo is the first impression people have of your brand, so it is essential that it be unique, original, and effective.
It is therefore essential not to miss your logo design and to ensure that you convey as much information as possible about your brand through your logo. You need to create a logo that will set you apart from your competitors, that will inspire confidence and that will charm your future customers. To do this, you must start by carrying out an in-depth analysis of your company to determine, among other things, its target audience, its values, and its mission.
Contrary to what many people believe, creating a logo is not easy. You should ask yourself several questions before embarking on the creation process. Everything must be thought out, you must leave nothing to chance. In addition to determining what your company’s characteristics, strengths and strategy are, here are the questions you need to answer:
- In which sector of activity does your company operate?
- What products and services do you offer?
- Who is your target audience?
- Who are your main competitors and what products and services do they offer?
- What colors would best represent your company?
- In your opinion, are there important elements to incorporate into your logo?
- How do you want to use your logo?
Once you have all the answers to these questions, it’s time to move on to creating your logo.
As is the case with designing a website, it is important to know your target audience well before you start creating your company logo by hiring a logo design company near me. Thus, you will be able to choose the typography, the colors and all the other elements of your logo so that it is as effective as possible and attracts your target audience.
The goal you should set when creating your business logo is for people to memorize it quickly and effectively. The logo is often the first thing people will see of your business and is what helps them remember it. For example, if we showed you the logo of big brands like Apple, Nike, or McDonald’s, you could identify them briefly. Why? These logos have a simple and unique design, which allows them to make an impression and to be easily recognizable.
Do not put too many details in your logo: rather opt for simplicity. If you overload your logo with details, it will be much less readable and will have less impact when printed in a small format. Make your logo stand out and attract the attention of your customers and future customers: make it unique. Your logo should immediately be understood and associated with your business. A simple and unique logo will stick in consumers’ memories more easily.
The colors in your logo can say a lot about your business and the products and services you offer. Color is the first thing people will notice about your logo. You must therefore ensure that you make the right choice of colors, as this will certainly have a long-term impact on your company.
To avoid the “rainbow” effect, we advise not to use more than 2 or 3 colors on your logo and to choose one that will be more dominant than the others. Also, it’s good to make sure your logo is easy to read and has a good impact in black and white, because there’s a good chance that your customers will print a page from your website or one of your documents in black and white.
According to a study of the top 100 brands in the world in 2016, red is the most used color in logos. On average, 35% of these logos contain red while 33% use blue and 31% black. Moreover, no less than 90% of these brands use only one or two colors while 10% of them use three or more colors.
Typography, also famous as font or typeface, gives all the characters of the similar family. When we talk about the same family, we mean the way the letters were drawn.
Fonts can be divided into several groups. The three best known are serif (with serif), sans serif (sans serif) and decorative fonts. In the image below, you will be able to see examples of these three types of fonts.
If you want to add text to your logo, whether it’s the company name or the slogan, you should know that it is essential to choose simple, clear, and easily readable typography. It is also strongly recommended not to use more than two different fonts in your logo. The choice of the “font” should not be made on a whim: you must analyze which era, which style and which values it reflects before making your final choice. The wrong typography choice could give your logo the opposite effect of what you originally intended. For example, if the Caisses Populaires Desjardins had chosen a typeface like that of Disney, it would not correspond to the company and its professional image.
The choice of typography is an important step in the process of creating a logo. Indeed, the typeface chosen will necessarily be used throughout the visual identity of the company, ranging from the business card to the website. Thus, it is essential that it reflects the image of the company.