Client Requirements
For traditional client games, backend server architecture is often complex and requires snowcloud deep network communication between servers in the USA. If Unicast Communications is used, one server needs to be aware of changes to other servers at any time, which reduces the flexibility of the entire architecture. To achieve flexible development and reduce host computing resources, many client game servers still use UDP Broadcast Communications.
Basic Principles
In the current Alibaba Cloud Classic network and VPC network environment, L2 broadcast and multicast are not supported because the basic switches are L3 switches. To meet clients’ streaming and multicast needs, you can use unicast mode to mimic multicast mode.
Configuration In Windows Environment
In the Windows environment, the MultiCast tool consists of a appointed server and an up to multi-client in the USA. The server must be installed on the ECS instance to send the multicast packet, while the client must be installed on the ECS to receive the multicast packet.
Install the Windows Multicast Agent using the installation package. Double-click on udptopoint-1.3.1.exe and udptomulti-1.1.1.exe installers. Then install the server and client as instructed.
Order Server Configuration
After successfully installing the multicast tool, run udptopoint.exe and the unicast background service from multicast will run automatically. Then select Task Manager> Services to check the current status of the current service.
You must configure multicast groups on the server and add multicast members to groups using a configuration file called server_cfg.json.txt.friday night funkin unblocked games 911
The Parameters In The Configuration File Are Described Below:
- group_ip: The IP address of the multicast group
- Group_port: The multicast group port, which initiates multicast on the server.
- Server_port: Agent communication port, which converts multicast mode to unicast mode.
- member_array: IP addresses of multicast group members
- send_reload_point_cfg: A helpful tool for the server:
- Currently, the supported commands are “reload” and “list”
The reload command is used to reload the configuration file. Run this command whenever you edit the configuration file.
The list command is used to display information about snowcloud packets sent or received through the current agent system.
Instructions for use:
Reload the command or enter the list in the terminal.
Client Configuration
After the multicast tool is successfully installed, run udptomulti.exe and the unicast background service from multicast will run automatically. Then select Task Manager> Services, and you can check the current status of the current service in the USA.
On the client, configure the included multicast groups using the JSON array in the configuration file, client_cfg.json.txt.
- server_ip: The source IP address that sends multicast data.
- Server_port: Agent communication port, ie Unicast port.
- group_ip: The IP address of the multicast group, ie the IP address of the multicast group that will be copy after receiving the messages.
- Group_port: The communication port of the application, the port of the multicast group that will be copy after receiving the messages.
- send_reload_multi_cfg: A helpful tool for clients:
- Currently, the supported commands are “reload” and “list”
The reload command snowcloud is using to reload the configuration file. Run this command whenever you edit the configuration file.
The list command is used to display information about packets sent or received through the current agent system.
Configuration In The Linux Environment
Both Linux Multicast Tool Server and Client are packaged in a major RPM package. Currently available RPM package is multicast_usr_tool-1.0.1–1.x86_64.rpm (version 1.0.1). The installation process is as follows:
sudo rpm -ivh multicast_usr_tool-1.0.3-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
You can check if the RPM package is installe correctly by running rpm -Q multicast_usr_tool-1.0.3–1.el6.x86_64. After the RPM package is successfully installe, server and client programs for the user state multicast tool are automatically installe on the system.
Once the MultiCast tool is successfully install, the client installation directory is / usr / local / bin, and the configuration file directory is / etc / multicast /.
To access this directory, run the cd / usr / local / bin command where the client is located in the USA.
Run the command source ~ / .bashrc.
Here’s How To Start A Client And Server:
For the client: Run the following command with root permission to start the client manually: nohup multic_admin -R> / dev/null &
For the server: Run the following command with root permission to start the server: service multis_monitord start
Stop Client Or Server Like This:
To pause the client manually, run ps aux | grep multic_admin to find the PID of the process, and then snowcloud run the kill PID command snow cloud bachelor gulch.
To stop the server, run the service multis_monitord stop command with root permission.
Check the running status using the multis_monitord service status.
Editing The Server Configuration File
For Windows, edit the server_cfg.json.txt file in the datapoint directory snowcloud. For Linux, edit the /etc/multicast/server_cfg.json.txt file.
After The Edit Is Complete, You Should Use The Reload Tool To Load The Modified Configuration File Into The Running Server Program:
- Run the following command for Linux: server_reload_list and enter the reload command.
- Run the following command for Windows: send_reload_point_cfg and enter the reload command.
- If the message “Connection denied” appears, check that the uptopoint service is working properly.
Edit The Client Configuration File In USA
ECS2 is use below as an example to illustrate how to edit a client configuration file. For Windows, edit the client_cfg.json.txt file in the udptopoint directory. For Linux, edit the /etc/multicast/client_cfg.json.txt file.
After the edit is complete, you should use the reload tool to load the modified configuration file into the running server program:
- For Linux, run the following command: client_reload_list and enter the reload command.
- For Windows, run the following command: send_reload_multi_cfg and enter the reload command.
- If the message “Connection denied” appears, check that the up to multi service is running properly.
Additional Notices
Caution: The server_port should be the same on both the client and the server. Otherwise, packets cannot be receive.
Generates system log files. For Windows will be create in the client_log.txt C: udptomulti directory and in the server_log.txt C: udptopoint directory. For Linux, client_log.txt and server_log.txt will be develope in the / etc / multicast/directory.
After completing the service configuration, you can use the packet capture tool to test the service. We recommend using the Wireshark command for Windows systems and the tcpdump command for Linux systems.
If Communication Fails, Troubleshoot By Completing The Following Steps:
- On the server, check that the multicast packets are correctly convert to unicast packets and sent correctly.
- On the snowcloud client, check if the Unicast packets are receive correctly and if the network connection is normal.
- Check if the client can successfully restore the unicast packet to the multicast packet in USA.
For more information, please visit sbxhrl.