Are Dental Veneers Reimbursed?
Dental veneers are placed on men and women who want to improve their smiles. They allow you to be more beautiful, and radiant and to wear a wide dazzling smile in public. Its pose constitutes a medical act within the field of aesthetics. Unfortunately, Social Security and other insurance companies do not consider it a therapeutic medical procedure. So what to do to get reimbursed? This article helps you see it more clearly.
What is a dental veneer?
When it comes to beauty, the smile has a place of choice. It allows you to attract the attention of your interlocutor or third parties. It is a powerful means of seduction. To benefit from all this, you must necessarily have white teeth, and above all aligned. Which is not an obvious thing.
The installation of dental veneers is therefore a solution whose ultimate goal is to improve the quality of the patient’s smile. It is a dental care service in which several stars and other personalities indulge. This allows them to take care of their appearance to always be in the graces of the public.
Those who cannot afford to have dental veneers must benefit from social security. However, this type of intervention is not taken into account at all by most insurance companies. What to do in this case to be reimbursed?
Can dental veneers be reimbursed by health insurance or mutual insurance?
In the insurance sector, the dental veneer is seen as an aesthetic treatment just for the pleasure of the patient. It is surely for this reason that neither health insurance nor social security reimburses this act. However, it is certain that before laying dental veneers you must proceed to the scaling of your teeth. This act is covered at the rate of 70% by social security. Don’t forget also that the fitting of a prosthesis can be reimbursed.
About health mutuals, some offer guarantees for the various types of care not covered by social security. The best thing is to find out from mutual insurance companies to see if your dental veneer can benefit from this coverage. This will significantly reduce your expenses.
With all this information, it is obvious that the placement of dental veneers can be reimbursed by mutual insurance. But for this, you must first obtain from your attending physician an overall estimate of the cost of the intervention. This will make things easier for you.
How to find a mutual that reimburses dental veneers?
Health mutuals are agencies that complement social security. Their choice is not at all easy and requires a preliminary procedure. This consists of making a comparison of all the mutuals present in your area of residence.
This reconciliation aims to precisely identify the mutual insurance company that offers the best health coverage. For this purpose, there is a multitude of comparators online. Thus, you will be able to correct all the anomalies of your teeth in a single intervention with peace of mind.