Health News



Have you just noticed a tick on your dear pet? Do not panic. Although the image of this intruder on your hairy body gives you chills, you can easily make it go away by following a few tips from the TNT Tick team.

Put on rubber gloves. This precaution will allow you not to be in contact with the bacteria which the tick could have been carrying. Safety first!

Utilize tweezers or a tool designed for this reason like the Tick Twister to remove the little organism from skin of your pet. Do not try to burn the tick with a match or make it go away with nail polish remover or petroleum jelly. These methods present real dangers of injury to your pet, while being ineffective. The skin will not heal well and will remain inflamed longer if a portion of the tick’s head remains in the skin.

With the eyelash tweezers, grab the tick head stuck in dog as close to your pet’s skin as possible. It is important not to press on the tick’s abdomen during removal. This increases the risk of infection for your dog or cat, if it carries a disease such as Lyme disease. In a slow but firm motion, gather your courage and remove the parasite by pulling perpendicular to your pet’s skin by a tick remover for cats. With a tool designed for tick removal, slide the end of the tool as close as possible to the skin under the tick’s head and perform a rotational movement until the tick comes off.

Now that the tick is no longer on your dog or cat, clean the skin with soap and water to promote proper healing. Prevention is better than cure!

Place the tick in an airtight container so you can have it assessed by your veterinary team. She can make sure that the tick has been completely removed. And recommend that you have tests done on it if necessary. If you want to dispose of it yourself, make sure you do it correctly to prevent the tick from ending up again on kitty, piton. Or a member of your family. You can flush it down the toilet or crush it firmly in a tissue paper with your gloves on before putting it in the garbage.

Are you worried following this unfortunate encounter between your companion. And this little insect and about the diseases it can transmit? Your veterinary team is there for you! She will be able to answer your questions, advise you on the follow-up to be planned. And the preventive measures to be put in place. If the tick that bit your pet came from a place you and your pet frequent. You and your family could also be exposed to ticks. TNT Ticks offers you valuable information on Lyme disease and ways to enjoy leisure time at home. sting-free exterior.

Simple, right? Always pay attention when your pet goes outside. A little check could allow you to discover a small parasite lodged in its skin. The areas to monitor are the legs, belly, under the neck and face. Depending on the climate in your area, we may recommend that you protect your dog. Or cat all year round or only during the peak tick season with a preventive treatment. Consult your veterinary team who will be able to advise you on the precautions to take.


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